إنجليزي-العربية قاموس »

red giant meaning in العربية

red colour



giant mythical human


Red Square Moscow square

الْمَيْدَان الْأَحْمَرm

red link

وَصْلَة حَمْرَاءf

Red Army name of the Soviet army

جيشالْجَيْش أحمر

red-handed in the act of wrongdoing

جُرْم مَشْهُود


red line a boundary or limit which should not be crossed

خَطّ أَحْمَرm

red line a line dividing ice rink in half

خَطّ أَحْمَرm

red currant fruit

كِشْمِش أَحْمَرm

red currant plant

كِشْمِش أَحْمَرm

Red Sea sea between Africa and Arabia

البَحْرُ الأَحْمَرm

بَحْرُ القُلْزُمm

Red Crescent branch of the Red Cross

اَلْهِلَال اَلْأَحْمَرm

red kite ''Milvus milvus''

حَدَأَة حَمْرَاءf

Red Cross Red Cross

اَلصَّلِيب اَلْأَحْمَرm

red wine red coloured wine

خَمْر أَحْمَرm

نَبِيذ أَحْمَرm

red panda Ailurus fulgens

بَانْدَا أَحْمَرm

red light a warning light, especially as a traffic signal

ضَوْء أَحْمَرm

giant fennel ''Ferula communis''


كَلْخ كَبِيرm

giant roundworm ''Ascaris lumbricoides''


red blood cell haemoglobin-carrying blood cell in vertebrates

كُرَيَّةُ دَمٍ حَمْرَاءf

red-shouldered hawk Buteo lineatus

سقاوة موشحة

red-crested pochard Netta rufina


Red Sea Governorate governorate of Egypt

محافظة البحر الأحمر

red-tailed squirrel species of squirrel

سنجاب أحمر الذيلm

Little Red Riding Hood a folktale

لَيْلَى وَٱلذِّئْبf

Little Red Riding Hood the main character in this story

ذَات الرَّدَاء الأَحْمَرf

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