إنجليزي-العربية قاموس »

group theory meaning in العربية

group number of things or persons being in some relation to each other





theory a coherent set of statements attempting to explain observed phenomena


theory an unproven conjecture


group velocity propagation velocity of a wave envelope

سرعة الزمرة

group sex sexual practice

جِنْس جَمَاعِيّm

Galois group specific group associated with a field extension

زمرة غالوا

pop group musical group specializing in pop music

مَجْمُوعَة بُوبf

rock group musical group specializing in rock music

مَجْمُوعَة رُوكf

functional group characteristic grouping of elements

مجموعة وظيفية

string theory candidate unified theory of all physical forces and particles

نَظَرِيَّة الأَوْتَارf

M-theory theory that unifies the five superstring theories


evolutionary theory theory of evolution

نَظَرِيَّة التَّطَوُّرf

information theory branch of applied mathematics

نظريَة المعلومات

conspiracy theory hypothetical speculation

نَظَرِيَّة مُؤَامَرَةf

chaos theory chaos theory

نظريَة الشواشf

group of death a group in a multi-stage tournament which is unusually competitive

مَجْمُوعَة الْمَوْت

theory of everything theory of everything

نظريَة كل شيء

quantum field theory theory of quantum fields

نظرية الحقل الكمومي

grand unification theory theory that unifies fundamental forces

نَظَرِيَّة اَلاِتِّحَاد اَلْكَوْنِيّ اَلْعَظِيم

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