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cartesian coordinate system meaning in العربية

coordinate system method of representing points in a space

نِظَامُ إِحْدَاثِيَّاتٍm

coordinate mathematics, cartography: a number representing the position of a point along a line, arc, or similar one-dimensional figure



system group or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole



circulatory system parts of an animal body which circulate the blood around the body

جِهَاز اَلدَّوَرَانm

nervous system system which coordinates the activity of the body

جِهَاز عَصَبِيّm

endocrine system system of ductless glands

جِهَاز اَلْغُدَد اَلصَّمَاءm

management system

نظام إدارة

operating system software which controls the computer

نِظَام تَشْغِيلm

reproductive system reproductive system

جِهَاز تَنَاسُلِيّm

star system group of stars that orbit one another

نِظَام نَجْمِيّm

solar system any collection of heavenly bodies orbiting a star|planetary system

منظومة شمسيةf

Solar System id=Q544|the Sun and all the heavenly bodies that orbit around it

مَجْمُوعَة شَمْسِيَّةf

مَنْظُومَة شَمْسِيَّةf

نِظَام شَمْسِيّm

lymphatic system network of lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes

جِهَاز لِمْفَاوِيّm

global positioning system system determining precise location based on signals received from satellites

جِي بِي إِسm

نِظَام اَلتَّمَوْضُع اَلْعَالَمِيّm

content management system

نِظَام إِدَارَة مُحْتَوَىاَلْمُحْتَوَى

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