إنجليزي-العربية قاموس »

cancers meaning in العربية

Results: cancer
I'd rather look for this: cancers
cancer disease of uncontrolled cellular proliferation


cancerous relating to or affected with cancer


brain cancer cancer of the brain

سَرَطَان اَلدِّمَاغm

breast cancer cancer of the breast

سَرَطَان اَلثَّدْيm

lung cancer cancer of the lung(s)

سَرَطَان اَلرِّئَةm

skin cancer malignant growth on the skin

سَرَطَان اَلْجِلْدm

Tropic of Cancer the parallel of latitude 23°30′ north of the equator

مَدَار السَّرَطَانm

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