إنجليزي-العربية قاموس »

bomb meaning in العربية

bomb attack with bombs


bomb device filled with explosives


bombardment act of bombing, esp towns or cities


bomber aircraft

قَاذِفَة قَنَابِلf

bombing action of dropping bombs from the air



atomic bomb nuclear weapon

قُنْبُلَة ذَرِّيَّة

barrel bomb

بِرْمِيل مُتَفَجِّر

car bomb automobile made into a bomb

سَيَّارَةٌ مُفَخَّخَةٌf

carpet bombing a bombing of this kind

قصف بساطي

dirty bomb device containing conventional explosives and radioactive material

قُنْبُلَة قَذِرَةf

dive bomber type of military aircraft

قاذفة انقضاضيةf

neutron bomb atomic bomb that produces a greater amount of neutrons

قُنْبُلَة نْيُوتْرُونِيَّةf

nuclear bomb nuclear bomb

قُنْبُلَة نَوَوِيَّةf

suicide bomber one who carries explosives

زَارِع الأَلْغَامm

مُهَاجِم اِنْتِحَارِيّm

suicide bombing attack

عَمَلِيَّة تَفْجِيرِيَّة

عَمَلِيَّة تَفْجِيرِيَّة إِنْتِحَارِيَّة

time bomb bomb with a timeout mechanism

قُنْبُلَةٌ مَوْقُوتَةٌf

volcanic bomb

قنبلة بركانية

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