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blood meaning in العربية

blood cell any of the cells normally found in the blood

خَلِيَّة دَمf

خَلِيَّة دَمَوِيَّةf

blood clot clot formed from platelets and other elements



blood plasma clear fluid portion of blood

بلازما الدم

blood pressure pressure exerted by the blood against the walls of the arteries and veins

ضَغْط اَلدَّمّm

blood relation person

صِلَة الدَّم الوَاحِدf

blood sausage type of sausage

سجق الدم

blood test a serologic analysis of a sample of blood

تَحْلِيل الدَّمّm

blood transfusion taking blood from one and giving it to another individual

نَقْل دَمm

blood type blood classification

فَصِيلَة دَم

bloodbath indiscriminate killing or slaughter

حَمَّام دَمّm


bloodletting ancient medical practice


bloodline link between a person and their ancestors


bloodshed carnage, destruction of life, slaughter

سَفْك الدِّمَاءm

bloodshed shedding or spilling of blood

إِرَاقَة الدَّمf

سَفْك الدِّمَاءm

bloodshot reddened and inflamed


red blood cell haemoglobin-carrying blood cell in vertebrates

كُرَيَّةُ دَمٍ حَمْرَاءf

shed blood

سَفَكَ الدِّمَاء

white blood cell cytology: a type of blood cell that is involved with an immune response

كُرَيَّةُ دَمٍ بَيْضَاءf

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