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эйд означает в английский

эйд proper noun

Eid(Muslim religious festival)
proper noun
[UK: ˈaɪd] [US: ˈaɪd]

эйд мубарак phrase

eid mubarakphrase

эйджент орандж proper noun

Agent Orange(herbicide)
proper noun

эйджизм noun

ageism(the treating of a person or people differently from others based on assumptions or stereotypes relating to their age)
[UK: ˈeɪʤ.ˌɪ.zəm] [US: ˈeɪʤ.ˌɪ.zəm]

Кэйдзё proper noun

Keijō((historical) the name of Seoul during the Japanese occupation period in the early 20th century)
proper noun

Мэйдзи proper noun

Meiji period(45-year reign of emperor Meiji)
proper noun

Нью-эйдж noun

New Age(a modern spiritual and religious movement)

пэйдж ап noun

Page Up(a key that scrolls down to the previous page of content)

пэйдж даун noun

Page Down(a key that scrolls down to the next page of content)

Уэйд-Джайлз proper noun

Wade-Giles(transcription system for Mandarin)
proper noun

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