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теорема означает в английский

теорема noun

theorem [theorems](proved mathematical statement)
[UK: ˈθɪə.rəm] [US: ˈθɪ.rəm]

теорема Больцано-Коши noun

intermediate value theoremnoun

теорема о причёсывании ежа proper noun

hairy ball theorem(theorem of algebraic topology)
proper noun

теорема о промежуточном значении noun

intermediate value theoremnoun

теорема Пифагора proper noun

Pythagorean theorem(mathematical theorem)
proper noun
[UK: paɪ.ˌθæ.ɡə.ˈriːən ˈθɪə.rəm] [US: paɪ.ˌθæ.ɡʌ.ˈriːən ˈθɪ.rəm]

теорема Ролля proper noun

Rolle's theorem(theorem that a differentiable function with points of equal value must have a point of zero slope between them)
proper noun

Китайская теорема об остатках noun

CRT(Mathematical theorem)

малая теорема Ферма proper noun

Fermat's little theorem(theorem that a^p − a is divisible by p)
proper noun

центральная предельная теорема noun

central limit theorem(the theorem)