Synonym-Englisch Wörterbuch »

newborn bedeutet auf Englisch

newborn infant noun

newborn babynoun

newborn infant noun
generic term

liveborn infantnoun

low-birth-weight babynoun

low-birth-weight infantnoun

postmature infantnoun


premature babynoun

premature infantnoun


preterm babynoun

preterm infantnoun

sga infantnoun

small-for-gestational-age infantnoun

stillborn infantnoun

term infantnoun

hyperbilirubinemia of the newborn noun

neonatal hyperbilirubinemianoun

jaundice of the newborn noun

icterus neonatorumnoun

physiological jaundice of the newbornnoun

physiological jaundice of the newborn noun

icterus neonatorumnoun

jaundice of the newbornnoun

respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn noun

hyaline membrane diseasenoun

respiratory distress syndromenoun