Synonym-Englisch Wörterbuch »

bird of minerva bedeutet auf Englisch

bird of Minerva noun

bird of minervanoun

bird of nightnoun


bird of Minerva noun
generic term

asio otusnoun

athene noctuanoun

barn owlnoun

barred owlnoun

great gray owlnoun

great grey owlnoun

hawk owlnoun

hoot owlnoun

horned owlnoun

laughing jackassnoun

laughing owlnoun

little owlnoun

long-eared owlnoun

otus asionoun


sceloglaux albifaciesnoun

scops owlnoun

screech owlnoun

spotted owlnoun

strix aluconoun

strix nebulosanoun

strix occidentalisnoun

strix varianoun

surnia ululanoun

tawny owlnoun

tyto albanoun