Synonym-Englisch Wörterbuch »

als bedeutet auf Englisch

false heather noun

hudsonia ericoidesnoun

false hellebore noun


false hellebore noun
generic term

american helleborenoun


indian pokenoun

veratrum viridenoun

white helleborenoun

false indigo noun

amorpha californicanoun

amorpha fruticosanoun

bastard indigonoun

wild indigonoun

false indigo noun
generic term

baptisia australisnoun

baptisia lacteanoun

baptisia tinctorianoun

blue false indigonoun

horsefly weednoun

indigo broomnoun

rattle weednoun

white false indigonoun

false labor noun

braxton-hicks contractionnoun

false lily of the valley noun

maianthemum bifoliumnoun

maianthemum canadensenoun

false lupine noun

golden peanoun

thermopsis macrophyllanoun

yellow peanoun

false mallow noun

globe mallownoun

false mallow noun
generic term

malvastrum coccineumnoun

prairie mallownoun

red false mallownoun

sphaeralcea coccineanoun

false mildew noun

downy mildewnoun

false mildew noun
generic term

blue mold fungusnoun

onion mildewnoun

peronospora destructornoun

peronospora hyoscyaminoun

peronospora tabacinanoun

tobacco mildewnoun

false mistletoe noun


false mistletoe noun
generic term

american mistletoenoun

phoradendron flavescensnoun


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