Španielčina | Angličtina |
cura noun {f} | avocado [avocados](fruit) cure [cures](method, device or medication that restores good health) dressing [dressings](material applied to a wound) sanation(act of healing or curing) |
cura noun {m} | curate [curates](parish priest) priest [priests](clergyman (clergywoman, clergyperson)) |
cura párroco noun {m} | parson [parsons](cleric having full control of a parish) |
curable adjective | curable(capable of being cured) |
curación noun {f} | cure [cures](method, device or medication that restores good health) healing [healings](process of regeneration, see also: recovery) |
curado adjective | mature [maturer, maturest](fully developed) |
curado noun {m} | cure [cures](process of preservation) |
curador noun {f} | fiduciary [fiduciaries](trustee) |
curador noun {m} | curator [curators](person who manages, administers or organizes a collection) |
curadora noun {f} | curator [curators](person who manages, administers or organizes a collection) |
curaduría noun | curatorship(rank or period of being a curator) |
curalotodo noun {m} | panacea [panaceas](remedy believed to cure all disease) |
curandera noun {f} | shaman [shamans](religious and, or religious medium between the concrete and spirit worlds) witch doctor(person believed to ward off witchcraft and heal through magic) |
curanderismo noun {m} | quackery [quackeries](practice) |
curandero noun | quacksalver [quacksalvers](one falsely claiming to possess medical or other skills) |
curandero noun {m} | healer [healers](person who heals) quack [quacks](doctor) shaman [shamans](religious and, or religious medium between the concrete and spirit worlds) witch doctor(person believed to ward off witchcraft and heal through magic) |
curandería noun {f} | quackery [quackeries](practice) |
Curanipe proper noun {m} | Curanipeproper noun |
curar verb | bleach [bleached, bleaching, bleaches](to treat with bleach) cure [cured, curing, cures](to restore to health) heal [healed, healing, heals](make better) season [seasoned, seasoning, seasons](to prepare by drying or hardening) |
curare noun {m} | curare(a substance containing the alkaloid D-tubocurarine) |
curarse verb | heal [healed, healing, heals](become better) |
curarse en salud verb | play it safe(take a cautious, risk-free approach) |
curarse en salud preposition | on the safe sidepreposition |
Curasao proper noun {m} | Curaçao(Island) |
curativo adjective | curative(possessing the ability to cure) |
Curazao proper noun {m} | Curaçao(Island) |
curaçao noun {m} | curaçao(liqueur) |
blancura noun {f} | whiteness(state of being white) |