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caricatura znamená v Angličtina

caricatura noun

cartoon [cartoons](satire of public figures)
[UK: kɑː.ˈtuːn] [US: karˈtuːn]
I like cartoons. = Me gustan las caricaturas.

caricatura adjective

caricature(pictorial representation of someone for comic effect)
[UK: ˈkæ.rɪk.ə.tʃʊə(r)] [US: ˈke.rək.ə.tʃər]
I am not myself anymore. I've become a laughable caricature of my deepest self. = Yo ya no soy yo mismo. Me he vuelto una patética caricatura de mi más profundo ser.

caricatura editorial noun

editorial cartoon(illustration containing social or political commentary)

caricaturar verb

caricature [caricatured, caricaturing, caricatures](represent in exaggerated manner)
[UK: ˈkæ.rɪk.ə.tʃʊə(r)] [US: ˈke.rək.ə.tʃər]
I am not myself anymore. I've become a laughable caricature of my deepest self. = Yo ya no soy yo mismo. Me he vuelto una patética caricatura de mi más profundo ser.

caricaturas noun

cartoon [cartoons](animated cartoon)
[UK: kɑː.ˈtuːn] [US: karˈtuːn]
I like cartoons. = Me gustan las caricaturas.

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