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судан bedeutet auf Englisch

Судан proper noun

Sudan(Republic of Sudan)
proper noun
[UK: suː.ˈdɑːn] [US: suː.ˈdæn]

суданец noun

Sudanese [Sudanese](person from Sudan or of Sudanese descent)
[UK: ˌsuː.də.ˈniːz] [US: ˌsuː.də.ˈniːz]

суданка noun

Sudanese [Sudanese](person from Sudan or of Sudanese descent)
[UK: ˌsuː.də.ˈniːz] [US: ˌsuː.də.ˈniːz]

суданский adjective

Sudanese(Of, from, or pertaining to the country of Sudan, the Sudanese people or the Sudanese language)
[UK: ˌsuː.də.ˈniːz] [US: ˌsuː.də.ˈniːz]

Англо-Египетский Судан proper noun

Anglo-Egyptian Sudan(Sudan, during the time when it was ruled jointly by Egypt and the United Kingdom)
proper noun

Республика Судан proper noun

Republic of the Sudan(official name of Sudan)
proper noun

Республика Южный Судан proper noun

Republic of South Sudan(official name of South Sudan)
proper noun

южносуданец noun

South Sudanese(A person from South Sudan or of South Sudanese descent)

южносуданка noun

South Sudanese(A person from South Sudan or of South Sudanese descent)

южносуданский adjective

South Sudanese(Of, from, or pertaining to the country of South Sudan or the South Sudanese people)

Южный Судан proper noun

South Sudan(country in Africa)
proper noun
[UK: saʊθ suː.ˈdɑːn] [US: ˈsaʊθ suː.ˈdæn]