Russisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

россия bedeutet auf Englisch

Россия proper noun

Russia(country in Eastern Europe and North Asia)
proper noun
[UK: ˈrʌ.ʃə] [US: ˈrʌ.ʃə]

Россия-матушка proper noun

Mother Russia(national personification of Russia)
proper noun

россияне noun

Russian [Russians](person from Russia)
[UK: ˈrʌ.ʃən] [US: ˈrʌ.ʃən]

россиянин noun

Russian [Russians](person from Russia)
[UK: ˈrʌ.ʃən] [US: ˈrʌ.ʃən]

россиянка noun

Russian [Russians](person from Russia)
[UK: ˈrʌ.ʃən] [US: ˈrʌ.ʃən]

Великая Россия proper noun

Great Russia(the territories of "Russia proper")
proper noun

Великороссия proper noun

Great Russia(the territories of "Russia proper")
proper noun

Малая Россия proper noun

Little Russia(a historical area)
proper noun

Малороссия proper noun

Little Russia(a historical area)
proper noun

малороссиянин noun

Little Russian(inhabitant of Little Russia)
[UK: ˈlɪt.l̩ ˈrʌ.ʃən] [US: ˈlɪt.l̩ ˈrʌ.ʃən]

Матушка Россия proper noun

Mother Russia(national personification of Russia)
proper noun

Новороссия proper noun

Novorossiya(an area north of the Black Sea)
proper noun

Советская Россия proper noun

Soviet Russia(Soviet Union in the early stages)
proper noun
[UK: ˈsəʊ.vɪət ˈrʌ.ʃə] [US: ˈsoʊ.vɪət ˈrʌ.ʃə]