Polnisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

w bedeutet auf Englisch

w kratkę adjective

divided into squares

w kształcie

in the shape of

w kupie raźniej

the more the merrierit is more fun with more people

w kwiatach adverb

abloom(postpositive) in or into bloom; in a blooming state

w kwiecie wieku

in one's prime

w lewo

to the left

w lewo adverb

towards the left side

w linii prostej adverb

as the crow fliesadverb
in a straight line

w locie

in flightflying, making a flight

w locie adverb

on the flyadverb
spontaneously or extemporaneously

w lot

in a flashvery quickly

w małych dawkach

in small doses

w małym palcu

at one's fingertipsreadily available

w meromorficzny sposób adverb


w mgnieniu oka

at the drop of a hatinstantly, without hesitation

in a split second

in a twinkling

in no timevery soon

in the blink of an eyeimmediately, instantaneously

in the twinkling of an eye

w mgnieniu oka adverb

in two shakesadverb
very quickly

w miarę możliwości adverb

if possibleadverb

w międzyczasie adverb

at the same time but elsewhere

during the time

w miejsce

in lieu ofinstead; in place of; as a substitute for

in place ofin place of

w miejsce adverb

in lieuadverb
instead (of); in place (of)

w miłości i na wojnie wszystko jest dozwolone

all's fair in love and warunpleasant behavior is acceptable during love and conflict

w mniejszym stopniu

to a lesser extent

w mocy adjective

in effectadjective

w moich oczach

in my eyes

in my opinionaccording to me

w moim odbiorze

in my opinionaccording to me

w moim odczuciu

in my opinionaccording to me

w mojej opinii

in one's opinion

w mordę jeża interjection

expression of anger or disappointment

w nadmiarze adverb

in excess

w nadziei na

in the hope of

in the hope that

w najgorszym przypadku

at worstif the worst possible alternative happens