Polnisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

o nie bedeutet auf Englisch

o nie interjection

oh nointerjection
exclamation of alarm or concern

oniemiały adjective

not speaking; not knowing what to say

biuro nieruchomości

estate agency

Cesarstwo Niemieckie noun

German Empirenoun
Germany between 1871 and 1918

ciało niebieskie noun

celestial bodynoun
natural object beyond Earth's atmosphere

heavenly bodynoun
natural celestial body

body that gives light

ciało nieprzemienne noun

division ringnoun
algebraic concept

co dwie głowy, to nie jedna

two heads are better than onejoint thinking pays

co nie interjection

checking agreement

dla chcącego nie ma nic trudnego

where there is a will there is a wayif someone wants or wills something strongly enough, a way can be found

dlaczego nie

what the hellwhy not?

dlaczego nie adverb

why notadverb
state one has no objection

why notadverb
why is that not true

do nieskończoności adverb

ad infinitumadverb

dopóty dzban wodę nosi, dopóki mu się ucho nie urwie

the jug goes to the well until it breaksa jug goes to the well

the pitcher goes so often to the well, that it is broken at last

długo nieobecny, szybko zapomniany

long absent, soon forgottenlove fades away when people are distant

grom z jasnego nieba noun

bolt from the bluenoun
something totally unexpected

an event that is terrible, horrific or unexpected

głucho-niewidomy adjective

unable to see and hear

jabłko niezgody noun

apple of discordnoun
object which sows anger and dissension

bone of contentionnoun
Something that continues to be disputed

jak grom z jasnego nieba

out of the blueunexpectedly

jakby jutra miało nie być adverb

as if there were no tomorrowadverb
to an excessive degree

Jamalsko-Nieniecki Okręg Autonomiczny

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

język [[staro-wysoko-niemiecki]] noun

Old High Germannoun
Old High German

język średnio-wysoko-niemiecki noun

Middle High Germannoun
Middle High German

kto nie ma córek, ten nie ma dzieci

a son is a son till he gets him a wife, but a daughter's a daughter all the days of her life

kto nie ryzykuje, ten nie pije szampana

no pain, no gaindiscomfort is necessary to achieve goals

małe co nieco noun

any alcoholic beverage

mięso nietoperza noun


myśleć o niebieskich migdałach verb

to have such a series of thoughts

niech cię głowa o to nie boli

don't worry about it

that's not your problem

piekło niebo noun

cootie catchernoun
origami shape with hidden messages in the folds

prawo niepisane

unwritten law

unwritten rule

prawo niepisane noun

unspoken rulenoun
rule that is understood but does not exist in written form

póty dzban wodę nosi, póki się ucho nie urwie

the pitcher goes so often to the well that it is broken at lastWhen you use a thing too much, it ultimately breaks