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ciśnienie bedeutet auf Englisch

ciśnienie noun


mental strain

physics: amount of force divided by area

ciśnienie atmosferyczne noun

atmospheric pressurenoun
pressure caused by weight of the atmosphere

ciśnienie krwi noun

blood pressurenoun
pressure exerted by the blood against the walls of the arteries and veins

ciśnienie pary noun

vapor pressurenoun
pressure that a vapor exerts

ciśnienie powietrza noun

air pressurenoun
air pressure within something

mam nadciśnienie

I have high blood pressureI have high blood pressure

mam niskie ciśnienie

I have low blood pressureI have low blood pressure

mam wysokie ciśnienie

I have high blood pressureI have high blood pressure

nadciśnienie noun

abnormally high blood pressure

nadciśnienie płucne

pulmonary hypertension