Polnisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

-in bedeutet auf Englisch


-itea salt or ester of an acid whose name ends in -ous




-teento form numbers 13 - 19


-eryplace of art, craft or practice


-ingact of doing something

-ingto form gerunds


-nomysystem of rules, laws, or knowledge about a particular field


-ferousproducing a certain material


-edhaving an object of a particular quality

-iveadjectival suffix: of the nature of; tending to

-oussuffix to form adjectives

-yhaving the quality of

ab initio

ab initio

ab intra adverb

ab intraadverb

adres internetowy noun

Internet addressnoun
Any address used to identify a place or resource on the Internet

agrest indyjski noun


all inclusive adjective

providing all amenities, benefits or perquisites in a single package

bank inwestycyjny noun

investment banknoun
financial institution

bankowość inwestycyjna noun

investment bankingnoun
activities of an investment bank

bańka informacyjna noun

filter bubblenoun

bańka internetowa noun

dot-com bubblenoun

bezprzewodowe połączenie internetowe noun

computing: wireless data communication standard

biuro informacji turystycznej noun

tourist officenoun
office which provides information for tourists

bo inaczej

or elseas an alternative

or elseno matter what

być innego zdania verb

to fail to agree

to fail to conform or correspond with

centrum połączenia informacji noun

fusion centernoun

cewka indukcyjna noun

impedance coilnoun
a coil of wire designed to provide impedance in an electric circuit

człowiek interesu

business man

człowiek interesów noun

a man in business, one who works at a commercial institution

dopóki wina nie zostanie udowodniona inaczej adverb

until proven otherwiseadverb

dławigad indyjski

painted stork

forum internetowe noun

Internet forumnoun
system for messages

fundusz inwestycyjny noun

monetary assets of a person or organization

investment fundnoun
type of fund

gatunek inwazyjny noun

invasive speciesnoun
species that has been introduced to an environment where it is not native and is a nuisance

gaur indyjski noun

Bos gaurus

gdzie indziej


gdzie indziej adverb

somewhere elseadverb
in or at some other place