Polnisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

-cie bedeutet auf Englisch

śmierć cieplna Wszechświata noun

heat death of the universenoun
entropic doom

sowica ciemnolica noun

Ninox novaeseelandiae

środek ciężkości noun

physics: center of a mass

center of gravitynoun
any pivotal or central idea or group

center of gravitynoun
point, near or within a body, at which the object's mass can be assumed to be concentrated

centre of massnoun
point where the mass can be considered concentrated

stąpać po cienkim lodzie

walk on thin ice

stąpać po cienkim lodzie adverb

on thin iceadverb
at risk

stracić cierpliwość verb

lose patienceverb
to become impatient

teatr cieni noun

shadow playnoun
form of storytelling using opaque figures in front of an illuminated backdrop

topór ciesielski noun

cutting tool

tracić cierpliwość verb

lose patienceverb
to become impatient

u kresu cierpliwości noun

the end of one's ropenoun
the point of having no more options

udar cieplny noun

heat strokenoun
severe hyperthermia

w ciemno adjective

without any prior knowledge

sight unseenadjective
not seen beforehand

waga ciężka noun

weight class in boxing and other sports

wciskać ciemnotę verb

lie through one's teethverb
To tell a gross or egregious untruth

wieki ciemne noun

Dark Agesnoun
historic period

wymiennik ciepła noun

heat exchangernoun
device for transferring heat

wyścig ciężarówek noun

elephant racenoun
elephant race

zawartość cieplna noun

a measure of the heat content

zdolność do indukcji ciepła noun


zdolny do indukcji ciepła adjective


złoty cielec noun

golden calfnoun
A golden image of a calf

golden calfnoun

źródło ciepłe noun

hot springnoun
natural spring producing water whose temperature is greater than about 20°C (68° F)