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świat bedeutet auf Englisch

stary jak świat adjective

old as the hillsadjective
extremely old

Stary Świat noun

Old Worldnoun
The Eastern Hemisphere, especially Europe, Africa and Asia

strona świata noun

cardinal pointnoun
cardinal point

compass pointnoun
any of the horizontal directions indicated on a compass

tego kwiatu jest pół światu

there are plenty more fish in the sea

there are plenty of fish in the seathere are more opportunities available

trzeci świat noun

Third Worldnoun
countries not alligned with the west or east during the cold war

Third Worldnoun
developing countries

Trzeci Świat noun

Third Worldnoun
countries not alligned with the west or east during the cold war

Third Worldnoun
developing countries

trzecia wojna światowa

World War III

tylne światło noun

rear mounted lights on a vehicle

tęsknota za dalekim światem noun

itchy feetnoun
desire to travel

ujrzeć światłość verb

see the lightverb
undergo a spiritual conversion

uważać się za pępek świata verb

think the world revolves around oneverb

w cały świat adjective

behaving erratically or uncontrollably

widzialny wszechświat noun

observable universenoun

wieloświat noun

hypothetical group of all possible universes

wojna światowa noun

world warnoun
a war involving the major nations of the world

wolny świat noun

free worldnoun
collectively, all the countries that have democratic or capitalistic governments, as opposed to dictatorships or communist states

wszechświat noun

the universe

sample spacenoun
set of all possible outcomes...

an entity similar to our universe

the Universe

the universe

wybierać się na tamten świat verb

have one foot in the graveverb

wyciągać na światło dzienne verb

bring to lightverb

wyciągnąć na światło dzienne verb

bring to lightverb

wystawa światowa noun

World Expositionnoun
a regular international exposition

włącznik światła noun

light switchnoun
switch used to turn the light on or off

za skarby świata

for the life of oneif my life depended on it

za skarby świata noun

all the tea in Chinanoun
something priceless or invaluable

za żadne skarby świata

not for all the tea in China

not for love or money

not for world

zaświaty noun

a conscious existence after death

supposed world that is entered after death

world of the dead

zielone światło noun

green lightnoun
green traffic light

green lightnoun