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term znamená v Angličtina

der Term [des Terms; die Terme] Substantiv

term [terms]◼◼◼noun
[UK: tɜːm] [US: ˈtɝːm]
This is a term used to describe the warming of the earth, due to growing amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. = Dieser Term beschreibt die Erwärmung der Erde, verursacht durch immer mehr Kohlendioxid in der Atmosphäre.

der Termin [des Termines, des Termins; die Termine] Substantiv

date [dates]◼◼◼noun
[UK: deɪt] [US: ˈdeɪt]
The date is set. = Der Termin steht fest.

appointed time◼◻◻noun
[UK: ə.ˈpɔɪn.tɪd ˈtaɪm] [US: ə.ˌpɔɪn.təd ˈtaɪm]

appointed day◼◻◻noun

der Terminabschluß Substantiv

forward (future : US) contract (deal)◼◼◼noun

time bargainnoun

die Terminabteilung Substantiv

traffic departmentnoun

terminal [—; —] [ˌtɛʁmiˈnaːl]

terminal◼◼◼[UK: ˈtɜː.mɪn.l̩] [US: ˈtɝː.mən.l̩]

das Terminal [des Terminals; die Terminals] Substantiv

terminal [terminals]◼◼◼noun
[UK: ˈtɜː.mɪn.l̩] [US: ˈtɝː.mən.l̩]

data terminal◼◻◻noun

der Terminaldrucker Substantiv

keyboard printernoun

die Terminalebene Substantiv

terminal planenoun



das Terminalhaar Substantiv

terminal hair◼◼◼noun


terminal nerve corpuscles

die Terminalkörperchen Substantiv

terminal corpusclesnoun

der Terminalmultiplexer Substantiv

terminal multiplexornoun

die Terminals Substantiv

[UK: ˈtɜː.mɪn.l̩z] [US: ˈtɝː.mən.l̩z]

der Terminalserver Substantiv

terminal server◼◼◼noun

das Terminalsteuerelement Substantiv

terminal controllernoun

die Terminanzeige Substantiv

fixed date advertisementnoun

die Terminatio Substantiv

termination [terminations]noun
[UK: ˌtɜː.mɪ.ˈneɪʃ.n̩] [US: tər.mə.ˈneɪʃ.n̩]

das Terminatorcodon Substantiv

terminator codonnoun

der Terminauftrag Substantiv

order for the account (settlement: Br)noun

das Terminbuch Substantiv

appointment booknoun
[UK: ə.ˈpɔɪnt.mənt bʊk] [US: ə.ˌpɔɪnt.mənt ˈbʊk]

die Terminbörse [der Terminbörse; die Terminbörsen] Substantiv

futures market (US)◼◼◼noun

forward marketnoun

market for future (delivery : US)noun

die Termindevisen Substantiv

forward exchanges (currency)noun

der Termindruck [des Termindrucks, des Termindruckes; —] Substantiv

pressure of timenoun

Termine einhalten

to adhere to deadlines

das Termingelder [des Termingeldes/Termingelds; die Termingelder] Substantiv

time (fixed) deposits◼◼◼noun

restricted cashnoun


due time duetime

on time ontime


in due time◼◼◼[UK: ɪn djuː ˈtaɪm] [US: ɪn ˈduː ˈtaɪm]

das Termingeschäft [des Termingeschäft(e)s; die Termingeschäfte] Substantiv

time bargainnoun

die Termingeschäfte Substantiv

time bargainsnoun

der Terminhandel Substantiv

(trading in) futures (US)noun

forward operations (Br)noun


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