Italienisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

pescare bedeutet auf Englisch

pescare verb

draw [drew, drawn, drawing, draws](cardgames: to take the top card of a deck into hand)
[UK: drɔː] [US: ˈdrɒ]

fish [fished, fishing, fishes](intransitive: to try to catch fish)
[UK: fɪʃ] [US: ˈfɪʃ]
Does John fish? = John pesca?

pescare di frodo verb

poach [poached, poaching, poaches](to take game or fish illegally)
[UK: pəʊtʃ] [US: poʊtʃ]

pescare nel torbido verb

fish in troubled waters(to take advantage from a chaotic situation)
[UK: fɪʃ ɪn ˈtrʌb.l̩d ˈwɔː.təz] [US: ˈfɪʃ ɪn ˈtrʌb.l̩d ˈwɒ.tərz]

dà un pesce ad un uomo e lo sfamerai per un giorno; insegna ad un uomo a pescare e lo sfamerai per sempre phrase

give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime(more worthwhile to teach someone than do it for them)

ripescare verb

fetch [fetched, fetching, fetches](to retrieve; to bear towards; to go and get)
[UK: fetʃ] [US: ˈfetʃ]