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yen bedeutet auf Englisch

moyen adjectif

medium◼◼◼(of intermediate size)
[UK: ˈmiː.dɪəm] [US: ˈmiː.diəm]

middle◼◼◻(located in the middle; in between)
[UK: ˈmɪd.l̩] [US: ˈmɪd.l̩]
He comes from the middle class. = Il vient de la classe moyenne.

random◼◼◻(undistinguished, average)
[UK: ˈræn.dəm] [US: ˈræn.dəm]

moyen adjectif

average◼◼◼(constituting or relating to the average)
[UK: ˈæ.və.rɪdʒ] [US: ˈæ.və.rɪdʒ]
John is average height. = John a une taille moyenne.

moyen nom {m}

mean [means]◼◼◼(method by which something is done)
[UK: miːn] [US: ˈmiːn]
The mean value of the frequency decreases with increasing amplitude. = La valeur moyenne de la fréquence diminue avec l'augmentation de l'amplitude.

way [ways]◼◼◻(means to enter or leave)
[UK: ˈweɪ] [US: ˈweɪ]

way [ways]◼◼◻(method or manner)
[UK: ˈweɪ] [US: ˈweɪ]

moyen nom

medium [media]◼◼◼(item of the size medium)
[UK: ˈmiː.dɪəm] [US: ˈmiː.diəm]

Moyen Âge nom propre

Middle Ages◼◼◼(historical period)
proper noun
[UK: ˈmɪd.l̩ ˈeɪ.dʒɪz] [US: ˈmɪd.l̩ ˈeɪ.dʒəz]

Moyen Âge central nom propre

High Middle Ages◼◼◼(period of European history, between the Early Middle Ages and the Late Middle Ages, that saw great social and political change)
proper noun

Moyen Âge tardif nom propre

Late Middle Ages◼◼◼(Translations)
proper noun

moyen anglais nom propre

Middle English◼◼◼proper noun
[UK: ˈmɪd.l̩ ˈɪŋ.ɡlɪʃ] [US: ˈmɪd.l̩ ˈɪŋ.ˌɡlɪʃ]

moyen cornique nom propre

Middle Cornish◼◼◼(the Celtic language spoken in Cornwall)
proper noun

moyen de paiement nom {m}

tender [tenders]◼◼◼(means of payment)
[UK: ˈten.də(r)] [US: ˈten.dər]

moyen de transport nom {m}

vehicle [vehicles]◼◼◼(conveyance)
[UK: ˈviːɪk.l̩] [US: ˈviː.hɪk.l̩]

mode of transport◼◼◼(vehicle or system used to transport people or goods)

means of transportation◼◼◼(general term for the different kinds of transport facilities that are often used to transport people or cargo in many ways)
[UK: miːnz əv ˌtræn.spɔː.ˈteɪʃ.n̩] [US: ˈmiːnz əv ˌtræn.spər.ˈteɪʃ.n̩]

Moyen Empire nom propre

Middle Kingdom◼◼◼(Egypt in the late 11th, 12th, and early 13th dynasties)
proper noun

moyen français nom {m}

Middle French◼◼◼noun

moyen frison nom propre

Middle Frisian◼◼◼(the Middle Frisian language)
proper noun

moyen haut-allemand nom propre

Middle High German◼◼◼proper noun
[UK: ˈmɪd.l̩ haɪ ˈdʒɜː.mən] [US: ˈmɪd.l̩ ˈhaɪ ˈdʒɝː.mən]

moyen irlandais nom propre

Middle Irish◼◼◼(language)
proper noun
[UK: ˈmɪd.l̩ ˈaɪ.rɪʃ] [US: ˈmɪd.l̩ ˈaɪ.ˌrɪʃ]

moyen néerlandais nom propre

Middle Dutch◼◼◼(the Middle Dutch language)
proper noun

moyen norvégien nom propre

Middle Norwegian◼◼◼proper noun

Moyen-Orient nom propre

Middle East◼◼◼(region comprising Western Asia without the South Caucasus and additionally including all of Egypt and all of Turkey)
proper noun
[UK: ˈmɪd.l̩ iːst] [US: ˈmɪd.l̩ ˈiːst]

Moyen-Oriental nom {m}

Middle Easterner◼◼◼(native or inhabitant of the Middle East)

moyen perse nom propre

Middle Persian◼◼◼(ancestor of New Persian spoken from around 300 BC till about 800 AD, evolving from Old Persian)
proper noun

moyenâgeux adjectif

medieval◼◼◼(having characteristics associated with the Middle Ages)
[UK: ˌme.dɪ.ˈiːv.l̩] [US: mə.ˈdiːv.l̩]

moyenne nom {f}

average [averages]◼◼◼(arithmetic mean)
[UK: ˈæ.və.rɪdʒ] [US: ˈæ.və.rɪdʒ]
John is average height. = John a une taille moyenne.

mean [means]◼◼◼(arithmetic mean)
[UK: miːn] [US: ˈmiːn]
The mean value of the frequency decreases with increasing amplitude. = La valeur moyenne de la fréquence diminue avec l'augmentation de l'amplitude.

mean [means]◼◼◼(intermediate value)
[UK: miːn] [US: ˈmiːn]
The mean value of the frequency decreases with increasing amplitude. = La valeur moyenne de la fréquence diminue avec l'augmentation de l'amplitude.

mean [means]◼◼◼(the statistical value)
[UK: miːn] [US: ˈmiːn]
The mean value of the frequency decreases with increasing amplitude. = La valeur moyenne de la fréquence diminue avec l'augmentation de l'amplitude.

moyenne à la batte nom {f}

batting average◼◼◼(cricket, baseball)

moyenne arithmétique nom

arithmetic mean [arithmetic means]◼◼◼(measure of central tendency)
[UK: ə.ˈrɪθ.mə.tɪk miːn] [US: ˌe.ˌrɪθ.ˈme.tɪk ˈmiːn]

moyenne au bâton nom {f}

batting average◼◼◼(cricket, baseball)

moyenne générale nom {f}

grade point average◼◼◼(overall average)

moyenne géométrique nom

geometric mean [geometric means]◼◼◼(measure of central tendency)
[UK: ˌdʒɪə.ˈme.trɪk miːn] [US: ˌdʒiə.ˈme.trɪk ˈmiːn]

moyenne harmonique nom

harmonic mean [harmonic means]◼◼◼(type of average)
[UK: hɑː.ˈmɒ.nɪk miːn] [US: harˈmɑː.nɪk ˈmiːn]

moyenne pondérée nom {f}

weighted mean [weighted means]◼◼◼(average calculated after biasing values)
[UK: ˈweɪ.tɪd miːn] [US: ˈweɪ.təd ˈmiːn]

moyenne quadratique nom

root mean square [root mean squares]◼◼◼(type of average)
[UK: ruːt miːn skweə(r)] [US: ˈruːt ˈmiːn ˈskwer]


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