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discuter bedeutet auf Englisch

discuter verbe

discuss [discussed, discussing, discusses]◼◼◼(to converse or debate concerning a particular topic)
[UK: dɪ.ˈskʌs] [US: ˌdɪ.ˈskəs]
We need to discuss. = Il faut qu'on discute.

chat [chatted, chatting, chats]◼◼◻(talk more than a few words)
[UK: tʃæt] [US: ˈtʃæt]
Let's have a chat. = Discutons !

chat [chatted, chatting, chats]◼◼◻verb
[UK: tʃæt] [US: ˈtʃæt]
Let's have a chat. = Discutons !

dispute [disputed, disputing, disputes]◼◼◻(to argue against)
[UK: dɪ.ˈspjuːt] [US: ˌdɪ.ˈspjuːt]
I don't dispute the facts you've presented but only the conclusion you draw from them. = Je ne discute pas les faits que vous présentez mais seulement les conclusions que vous en tirez.

discuter du sexe des anges verbe

count angels on pinheads(to spend time on fruitless intellectual matters)