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électoral bedeutet auf Englisch

électoral adjectif

electoral◼◼◼(of, or relating to elections)
[UK: ɪ.ˈlek.tə.rəl] [US: ə.ˈlek.tə.rəl]
The Electoral College is a disaster for a democracy. = Le Collège électoral est un désastre pour une démocratie.

campagne électorale nom {f}

election campaign◼◼◼noun

charcutage électoral nom {m}

gerrymander◼◼◼(the act of gerrymandering)
[UK: ˌdʒe.rɪ.ˈmæn.də(r)] [US: ˈdʒe.ri.ˌmæn.dər]

circonscription électorale nom {f}

constituency [constituency]◼◼◼(district represented by one or more elected officials)
[UK: kən.ˈstɪ.tjʊə] [US: kən.ˈstɪ.tʃuːə]

collège électoral nom {m}

electoral college [electoral colleges]◼◼◼(body of electors empowered to elect someone to a particular office)
[UK: ɪ.ˈlek.tə.rəl ˈkɒ.lɪdʒ] [US: ə.ˈlek.tə.rəl ˈkɑː.lɪdʒ]

collège électoral nom propre

Electoral College◼◼◼(body chosen to elect the president and vice president of the US)
proper noun
[UK: ɪ.ˈlek.tə.rəl ˈkɒ.lɪdʒ] [US: ə.ˈlek.tə.rəl ˈkɑː.lɪdʒ]

système électoral nom

voting system◼◼◼(system to determine the result of an election)

urne électorale nom {f}

ballot box◼◼◼(a sealed box into which a voter puts a voting slip)
[UK: ˈbæ.lət bɒks] [US: ˈbæ.lət ˈbɑːks]