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strait bedeutet auf Russisch

strait [straits] (difficult position)
[UK: streɪt]
[US: ˈstreɪt]

затруднительное положениеnoun

strait [straits] (narrow channel of water)
[UK: streɪt]
[US: ˈstreɪt]



Strait of Dover (strait in the English Channel)
proper noun

Па-де-Кале /Pa-dɛ-Kalé/proper noun

Strait of Gibraltar proper noun
[UK: streɪt əv dʒɪ.ˈbrɔːl.tə(r)]
[US: ˈstreɪt əv dʒə.ˈbrɒl.tər]

Гибралтарский проливproper noun

Strait of Hormuz (strait)
proper noun

Ормузский проливproper noun

Strait of Kerch (strait)
proper noun

Керченский проливproper noun

Strait of Magellan proper noun
[UK: streɪt əv mə.ˈdʒe.lən]
[US: ˈstreɪt əv mə.ˈdʒe.lən]

Магелланов проливproper noun

Strait of Malacca (strait between the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra)
proper noun

Малаккский проливproper noun

Strait of Messina (narrow section of water between Sicily and mainland Italy)
proper noun
[UK: streɪt əv me.ˈsiː.nə]
[US: ˈstreɪt əv mə.ˈsiː.nə]

Мессинский проливproper noun

Strait of Sicily (strait between Sicily and Tunisia)
proper noun

Сицилийский проливproper noun

Тунисский проливproper noun

straitjacket [straitjackets] (a jacket-like garment)
[UK: ˈstreɪt.dʒækɪt]
[US: ˈstreɪt.ˌdʒækət]

смирительная рубашкаnoun

Bering Strait (strait between Russia and Alaska)
proper noun
[UK: ˈber.ɪŋ streɪt]
[US: ˈber.ɪŋ ˈstreɪt]

Берингов проливproper noun

dire straits (difficult position)
[UK: ˈdaɪə(r) streɪts]
[US: ˈdaɪr ˈstreɪts]

бедственное положениеnoun

большая бедаnoun

отчаянное положениеnoun

Irbe Strait (strait)
proper noun

Ирбенский проливproper noun

Korea Strait (a strait between Korea and Japan)
proper noun

Корейский проливproper noun

La Pérouse Strait (strait)
proper noun

пролив Лаперузаproper noun

Luzon Strait (strait between Taiwan and Luzon)
proper noun

Лусонский проливproper noun

Sunda Strait (strait between Java and Sumatra)
proper noun

Зондский проливproper noun

Taiwan Strait (the channel of water between mainland China and Taiwan)
proper noun
[UK: taɪ.ˈwɑːn streɪt]
[US: ˈtaɪ.ˈwɑːn ˈstreɪt]

Тайваньский проливproper noun

Torres Strait (a strait between Australia and New Guinea)
proper noun

пролив Торресаproper noun

Торресов проливproper noun

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