Englisch | Italienisch |
twelve (cardinal number 12) numeral [UK: twelv] [US: ˈtwelv] | dodicinumeralI'm twelve. = Ho dodici anni. |
Twelve Days of Christmas (the season or time made up of the twelve days between Christmas and Epiphany) noun | |
Twelve Labours of Hercules (the series of labours) proper noun [UK: twelv ˈleɪb.əz əv ˈhɜː.kjə.ˌliz] [US: ˈtwelv ˈleɪb.r̩z əv ˈhɝː.kjə.ˌliz] | dodici fatiche di Ercoleproper noun |
twelve-tone technique (system of musical composition) noun | dodecafonianoun |
Twelver noun [UK: ˈtwel.və] [US: ˈtwel.və] | duodecimananoun duodecimanonoun |