Englisch-Französisch Wörterbuch »

closeup bedeutet auf Französisch

closeup [closeups] (A film made with the camera close to)
[UK: ˈkloˌsəp]
[US: ˈkloˌsəp]

gros plan◼◼◼nom {m}

close-up [close-ups] (photographic (or other) image in which the subject is shown at a relatively large scale)
[UK: ˈkləʊs ʌp]
[US: ˈkloʊs ʌp]

gros plan◼◼◼nom

plan rapproché◼◼◻nom {m}

close up shop verb

fermer boutique◼◼◼verbe

mettre la clé sous la porte (put the key under the door)◼◻◻verbe

baisser le rideau (lower the curtain)verbe