Englisch-Arabisch Wörterbuch »

water bedeutet auf Arabisch

drinking water water for humans

مَاء شُرْب

fresh water water with little salt

مَاءٌ عَذْبٌm

holy water water, sanctified

مَاء مُقَدَّسm

hot water bottle a flexible bottle for heat therapy

حَقِيبَة اَلـمَاء اَلـسَاخِن


mineral water water containing dissolved minerals

مَاء مَعْدِنِيّm

rainwater water sourced from rain

مِيَاه اَلْأَمْطَارm-p

rosewater a liquid produced by steeping rose petals in water

مَاء وَرْدm

soda water water with carbon dioxide

مَاء الصُّودَاm

tap water water from a tap

مَاء الحَنَفِيَّةm

test the waters explore or probe

جَسَّ النَّبْضَ

tonic water carbonated beverage

مَاء التُونِكm

unwatered not watered
