Englisch-Arabisch Wörterbuch »

non-ferrous bedeutet auf Arabisch

ferrous of or containing iron


non-refoulement principle that a person should not be returned to an area where they would face mistreatment

عدم الإعادة القسرية

non-governmental organization organization with no government participation

مُنَظَّمَة غَيْر حُكُومِيَّةf

non-disclosure agreement contract not to disclose certain information

اِتِّفَاق غَيْر مُعْلِنm

persona non grata a person who is not welcome

شَخْص غَيْر مَرْغُوب فِيهِ

sine qua non prerequisite

شَرْط لَازِمm

لا بُدَّ منه