Englisch-Arabisch Wörterbuch »

international atomic energy agency bedeutet auf Arabisch

international between, concerning, or transcending multiple nations


international transnational organization


atomic of, or employing nuclear energy or processes



energy capacity to do work


energy impetus behind activity


energy physics


agency capacity of acting or of exerting power


agency establishment engaged in doing business for another


agency government office


agency office of an agent, or relation between a principal and his agent


international relations study of relationships among countries

عَلَاقَات دَوْلِيَّة

international law set of rules applied to the relations between nations

قَانُون دُوَلِيّm

international organization organisation established by treaty

منظمة دولية

international airport airport that accepts international flights

مَطَار دُوَلِيّm

atomic nucleus nucleus of an atom

نَوَاة الذَّرَّةf

Atomic Age era during which nuclear energy was developed

عصر الذرة

atomic clock reference clock

سَاعَة ذُرِّيَّةf

atomic bomb nuclear weapon

قُنْبُلَة ذَرِّيَّة

atomic number number of protons

عَدَد ذَرِّيّm

energy drink caffeinated soft drink

مَشْرُوب الطَّاقَةm

kinetic energy energy from motion

طَاقَة حَرَكِيَّة

potential energy energy possessed by an object because of its position

طاقة وضع

green energy non-polluting energy

الطاقة الخضراء

dark energy hypothetical form of energy which, it is supposed, is spread uniformly throughout space and time and has anti-gravitational properties

طاقة مظلمة

mechanical energy mechanical energy

طاقة ميكانيكية

nuclear energy energy released by a nuclear reaction

طَاقَة ذَرِّيَّةf

marriage agency business

وَكَالَة زَوَاجf

employment agency organisation that matches employers to employees

وَكَالَة تَوْظِيفf

intelligence agency governmental agency devoted to information gathering

وَكَالَةْ اِسْتِخْبَارf

International Criminal Court court that prosecutes international crimes

محكمة الجنائية الدولية

international auxiliary language language

لغة مساعدة دولية

International Phonetic Alphabet standardized symbols for speech

الْأَلِفْبَائِيَّة الصَّوْتِيَّة الدُّوَلِيَّةf

اَلْأَبْجَدِيَّة الصَّوْتِيَّة الدُّوَلِيَّةf

International Space Station low-earth orbit space station

مَحَطَّةُ الفَضَاءِ الدُّوَلِيَّةf

private international law law

قَانُون دَوْلِيّ خَاصّm

conservation of energy conservation of energy

حِفْظ الطَّاقَةm

International Court of Justice UN court

مَحْكَمَة الْعَدْلَ الدُّوَلِيَّةِf