Englisch-Arabisch Wörterbuch »

engined bedeutet auf Arabisch

Ergebnisse: engine
Ich würde eher danach suchen: engined
engine mechanical device



engineer person engaged in designing, constructing, or maintaining engines or machinery; (''more generally'') a person qualified or professionally engaged in any branch of engineering, or studying to do so



engineeress female engineer


engineering application of science to the needs of humanity


engineering work of an engineer


civil engineering technical design and construction of public works and/or equivalent private ones

الهندسة المدنية

control engineering subfield of engineering

هَنْدَسَة التَّكَكُّمَf

diesel engine type of engine

محرك ديزل

fire engine fire truck

حَرِيق مُحَرِّكm

سَيَّارَة إطْفَاءf

سَيَّارَة إطْفَاء حَرِيقf

hydraulic engineering sub-discipline of civil engineering concerned with water and sewage

هندسة هيدروليكية

search engine application that searches for data

مُحَرِّك بَحْثm

siege engine large weapon of war used during ancient and medieval times to batter fortifications, settlements, etc.

معدات حصار

sound engineer one who practices sound engineering

مُهَنْدِس صَوْت