Englisch-Arabisch Wörterbuch »

day bedeutet auf Arabisch

day after day For an indefinite number of days

يَوْمًا بَعْدَ يَوْم

day after tomorrow on the day after tomorrow; in two days

بَعْدَ غَد

day and night all the time

صَبَاحَ مَسَاءَ

لَيْلَ نَهَارَ

day laborer laborer who is paid one day at a time


day off a day of vacation etc.

يَوْم عُطْلَةm

daybreak dawn



daycare daytime supervision

رِعَايَة نَهَارِيَّةf

daydreamer one who daydreams


days life


daytime the time of daylight


April Fools' Day First day of April

يَوْم كَذْبَة أَبْرِيلm

at the end of the day in summary; ultimately

فِي نِهايَةِ الْمَطاف

birthday anniversary

عِيد مِيلَادm

birthday cake a cake made to celebrate a birthday

كَعْكَة عِيد مِيلَادf

birthday party a party held to celebrate a birthday

حَفْلَة عِيد مِيلَادf

Black Friday sales period involving heavy price reductions

الجُمُعَة الْبَيْضَاءf

الْجُمُعَة السَّوْدَاءf

Boxing Day the day after Christmas: 26 December|St. Stephen's Day

بُوكْسِينْج دَايm

يَوْم اَلصَّنَادِيقm

call it a day to retire


Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints major denomination of the Latter Day Saint movement

كنيسة يسوع المسيح لقديسي الأيام الأخيرة

Cyber Monday the Monday after Thanksgiving, regarded as a day when many people shop online

الِاثْنَيْن الْإِلِكْتْرُونِيّm

dog days unpleasantly hot days


doomsday day when God is expected to judge the world

يَوْم الْحِسَابm

يَوْم الْقِيَامَةm

Earth Day global day of observance of the need to protect the earth

يَوْم اَلْأَرْضm

Father's Day holiday in celebration of fatherhood

عِيدُ الْأَبm

Freedom Day annual commemorative

يَوْم الحُرِّيَّةm

Friday day of the week



يَوْم الْجُمُعَةm

Good Friday The Friday before Easter Sunday, the commemoration of the day on which Christ was crucified

الْجُمْعَة الْعَظِيمَةf

جُمْعَة الْآلَامf

good old days the past, seen as a time when things were better

الزَّمَن الجَمِيل

happy birthday good wishes for a birthday

سَنَة حلوحُلْوَة

عِيد مِيلَاد سَعِيد

كُلُّ عَامٍ وَأَنْتُمْ بِخَيْرٍ

holiday day declared free from work by the government
