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clockings bedeutet auf Arabisch

Ergebnisse: clock
Ich würde eher danach suchen: clockings
clock instrument to measure or keep track of time


clock tower tower having a large clock

بُرْج سَاعَةm

clockmaker person who makes clocks


clockwise in a circular fashion in the same direction as the hands of an analogue clock

بِإِتِّجَاه عَقَارِب السَّاعَة

alarm clock type of clock

سَاعَة مُنَبِّهَةf


atomic clock reference clock

سَاعَة ذُرِّيَّةf

chess clock clock system used in chess games

ساعة الشطرنج

eleven o'clock the start of the twelfth hour

السَاعَة الحَادِيَة عَشَرَةf

five o'clock the start of the sixth hour

اَلسَّاعَة اَلْخَامِسَةf

four o'clock the start of the fifth hour

اَلسَّاعَة اَلرَّابِعَةf

grandfather clock pendulum clock

سَاعَة جَدّf

nine o'clock the start of the tenth hour

اَلسَّاعَة اَلتَّاسِعَةf

ten o'clock the start of the eleventh hour

اَلسَّاعَة اَلْعَاشِرَةf

three o'clock the start of the fourth hour

اَلسَّاعَة اَلثَّالٰثَةf

twelve o'clock start of the first hour of the day (expressed in the 12-hour system; 12 [[a.m.]])|midnight

السَاعَة الثَانِيَة عَشَرَةf

water clock device for measuring time

سَاعَةٌ مَائِيَّةf