Englisch-Arabisch Wörterbuch »

chin bedeutet auf Arabisch

East China Sea a sea

بَحْر الصِّين الشَّرْقِيّm

fletching A set of fins attached to the tail of a projectile


Great Wall of China Chinese fortification

سُور اَلصِّين اَلْعَظِيمm

Indochina part of Southeast Asia

اَلْهِنْد اَلصِّينِيَّةf

Kachin any of a number of non-Burman ethnolinguistic groups in Kachin State, Burma, including the Jingpho people


machine mechanical or electrical device



machine gun type of firearm



machine language set of instructions for a computer

لُغَة آلَةf

machine tool tool used for machining

آلَة تَشْغِيلf

made in China manufactured in the PRC

صُنِعَ فِي الصِّينِ

mainland China Communist China understood via its geographical position

بَرّ اَلصِّين اَلرَّئِيسِيّm

People's Republic of China id=Q148|official name of China

جُمْهُورِيَّةُ الصِّينِ الشَّعْبِيَّةُf

poaching trespassing in search of game

صَيْد جَائِر

punching bag tough bag punched or kicked when practising sports such as boxing or martial arts

كيس ملاكمة

Republic of China id=Q865|country in East Asia


جُمْهُورِيَّة الصِّينf

sea urchin any of many marine echinoderms of the class Echinoidea

قُنْفُذ البَحْرm

sewing machine device

مَاكِينَة خِيَاطَةf

simple machine device

آلة بَسِيطة

Simplified Chinese Chinese written using simplified characters

حُرُوف صِينِيَّة مُبَسَّطَةm-p

South China Sea Pacific Ocean, between the Asian mainland and Taiwan, Borneo and the Philippines

بَحْر الصِّين الْجَنُوبِيّm

submachine gun short range machine gun

المسدس الرشاش

بندقية رشاشة

Tao Te Ching Chinese classic text


teaching the profession of teaching; the activity that a teacher does when he/she teaches


time machine device used to travel in time

آلَة زَمَن

touching provoking sadness and pity


touching The act by which something is touched


Traditional Chinese Chinese written using traditional characters

حُرُوف صِينِيَّة تَقْلِيدِيَّةm-p

traditional Chinese medicine medical practices of Chinese culture

اَلطِّبّ اَلصِّينِيّm

Turing machine abstract machine

آلَة تورنجf

vending machine machine that dispenses merchandise

آلَة بَيْعf

آلَة بَيْع ذَاتِيّf

washing machine machine that washes clothes


weighing machine a mechanical device for determining the weight of an object or person


witching hour midnight, as an hour bringing bad luck|midnight

ساعة السحر


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