Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

وَقُود znamená v Angličtina

وَقُود m

fuelsubstance consumed to provide energy

وَقُود أُحْفُورِيّ

fossil fuelfuel

وَقُود حَرْب m

cannon foddermilitary forces considered to be expendable

وَقُود مِدْفَع m

cannon foddermilitary forces considered to be expendable

خَزَّان الوَقُود m

fuel tanka container of fuel

دَوَّاسَةُ الوَقُود f

acceleratoraccelerator pedal

عَدَّاد الوَقُود m

fuel gaugemeasuring instrument

مَحَطَّة وَقُود f

gas stationan establishment which sells gasoline to pump directly into a car

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