Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

هَان znamená v Angličtina

هَان m

HanChinese ethnicity

هَانَا f

Hannahfemale given name

هَانُم f

ladypolite term referring to a woman

هَانُوفَر m

HanoverGerman city

هَانُوي f

Hanoicapital of Vietnam

Hanoicapital of Vietnam

هَانِم f

ladywoman of breeding and authority

هَانْجْتْشُو m

Hangzhoua city of China

هَانْد m

rummycard game

هَانْد رِيمِي m

rummycard game

هَانْدَان m

Handana prefecture-level city in north China

هَانْزِي m

Chinese characterCJKV character

Chinese characterCJKV character

هَانْغُول m

hangulKorean phonetic script

hangulKorean phonetic script

أَصْفَهَان f

Isfahanthird largest city of Iran


abuseto insult

despiseto regard with contempt or scorn

offendto hurt the feelings

أُسْرَة هَان f


أُوهَانَا f

ohanaextended Hawaiian family unit

إِصْفَهَان f

Isfahanthird largest city of Iran

الْفِصَام الذُّهَانِيّ

schizophreniamental disorder


make light ofregard without due seriousness

underestimateto perceive as having lower value

بُرْهَان m

evidencefacts or observations presented in support of an assertion

proofany effort, process, or operation designed to establish or discover a fact or truth



جُوهَانِسْبُرْغ f

Johannesburga city in South Africa


Janefeminine form of John

حَبْهَان m-p

cardamomits seed or seed capsule

دِهَان m


paintingthe action of applying paint

ذُهَان m

psychosismental disorder

رِهَان m

beta wager

stakewager or pledge


LufthansaGerman national airline

مَدِينَة جَهَانْغِير

JahangirnagarThe Mughal name (1608–1765) of [[Dhaka]], the capital city of Bangladesh

مَدِينَة جَهَانْكِير

JahangirnagarThe Mughal name (1608–1765) of [[Dhaka]], the capital city of Bangladesh

وَجْهَانِ لِعُمْلَةٍ وَاحِدَةٍ m-d

two sides of the same coin


História vyhľadávania