Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

ن znamená v Angličtina

نَبَاتِيّ m

vegetableof or relating to plants

نَبَالَة f

nobilitynoble or privileged social class


barkto make a loud noise (dogs)


jiltto jilt


throbto vibrate or pulsate with a steady rhythm

نَبَطِيّ m

Nabataeanany of a group of people who once lived around modern Jordan

نَبَّاش m

scavengerSomeone who scavenges, especially one who searches through rubbish for food or useful things


wokealert of what is happening

نَبِيذ m

winealcoholic beverage made from grapes

نَبِيذ أَبْيَض m

white winelight coloured wine

نَبِيذ أَحْمَر m

red winered coloured wine

نَبِيذ بُورْتُو m

port wineA type of fortified wine traditionally made in Portugal

نَبِيذ وَرْدِيّ m

rosé winepink coloured wine|rosé


noblehaving honorable qualities

نَبِيل m


noblemanman of noble rank, title, or status; peer; aristocrat


shrewdartful, tricky or cunning

نَبْتَة f

sproutnew growth on a plant

نَبْتَة الْحَمَل التَّتَارِيَّة

vegetable lamblegendary plant believed to grow sheep from its branches

نَبْر m

accenthigher-pitched or stronger articulation

accentprosody: stress on syllables of a verse

نَبْرَة حَادَّة f

acute accentacute accent

نَبْرَة خَفِيضَة f

grave accentdiacritic mark (ˋ)

نَبْض m


heartbeatone pulsation of the heart

pulsationregular throbbing of the heart

pulsenormally regular beat felt when arteries near the skin are depressed, caused by the heart pumping blood through them

نَبْضَة f

pulsenormally regular beat felt when arteries near the skin are depressed, caused by the heart pumping blood through them

نَبْضُ القَلْب m

heartbeatone pulsation of the heart

pulsationregular throbbing of the heart


protrudeto extend from

نَتَائِج عَكْسِيَّة

counterproductivemore of a hindrance than a help

نَتَانَة f

reekunpleasant smell

stencha strong foul smell, a stink


stinkhave a strong bad smell


stinkyhaving a strong, unpleasant smell


stinkhave a strong bad smell


yieldquantity of something produced

نَتِيجَة f

conclusionof a syllogism

consequencethat which follows something on which it depends


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