Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

نَقْل znamená v Angličtina

نَقْل m

transportationact of transporting

نَقْل اَلدَّم m

transfusionmedicine: the transfer of blood or blood products from one individual to another

نَقْل دَم m

blood transfusiontaking blood from one and giving it to another individual

نَقْلِيَّات p

transportationact of transporting

سَيَّارة نَقْل مَوْتَى f

hearsevehicle for transporting dead

عَرَبة نَقْل مَوْتَى f

hearsevehicle for transporting dead

عَرَبَة نَقْل f

cartsmall, open, wheeled vehicle|wagon

vana covered vehicle