Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

مِصْر znamená v Angličtina

مِصْر f

Egyptid=Q79|country in North Africa

مِصْر اَلْقَدِيمَة f

Ancient Egyptid=Q11768|civilization

مِصْرَاع m

hemistichapproximate half-line of verse

shutterpart of a camera

مِصْرِيَّة f


Egyptianperson from Egypt

Egyptian ArabicEgyptian Arabic


Egyptianof, from, or pertaining to Egypt

Egyptianperson from Egypt

مِصْرِيّ m

Egyptianof, from, or pertaining to Egyptians

السُّودَان الْإِنْجْلِيزِيّ الْمِصْرِيّ m

Anglo-Egyptian SudanSudan, during the time when it was ruled jointly by Egypt and the United Kingdom

جُمْهُورِيَّة مِصْر الْعَرَبِيَّة

Arab Republic of Egyptid=Q79|Official name of Egypt

رَخَمَة مِصْرِيَّة f

Egyptian vulture''Neophron percnopterus''

صَعِيد مِصْر

Upper EgyptSouthern Egypt

عَامِّيَّة مِصْرِيَّة f

Egyptian ArabicEgyptian Arabic

عُقَاب مِصْرِيّ m

Egyptian vulture''Neophron percnopterus''

عِلْم اَلْمِصْرِيَّات

Egyptologythe study of ancient Egypt

لَهْجَة مِصْرِيَّة f

Egyptian ArabicEgyptian Arabic

نَسْر مِصْرِيّ m

Egyptian vulture''Neophron percnopterus''

وَزَّة مِصْرِيَّة

Egyptian goose''Alopochen aegyptiacus''

História vyhľadávania