Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

مُوس znamená v Angličtina

مُوس الْحِلَاقَة m

razorshaving knife

مُوسَى m

Mosesmale given name

مُوسَى الْحِلَاقَة f

razorshaving knife

مُوسَىٰ m

Mosesthe biblical patriarch



مُوسِيقَا f

musicsound, organized in time in a melodious way

مُوسِيقَار m

maestromaster in some art

مُوسِيقَى f

musicsound, organized in time in a melodious way

مُوسِيقَى البوب m

pop musicmusic intended for or accepted by a wide audience|popular music

مُوسِيقَى الرُّوك f

rock musicpopular music genre

مُوسِيقَى الْبُوب f

popular musicgenre that has wide appeal amongst the general public|pop music

مُوسِيقَى الْمِيتَال f

heavy metalgenre of music

مُوسِيقَى اَلرَّاب f

rap musicmusic form

مُوسِيقَى اَلرُّوك f

rockstyle of music

مُوسِيقَى شَعْبِيَّة f

poppop music

pop musicmusic intended for or accepted by a wide audience|popular music

مُوسِيقَى فُلْكْلُورِيَّة f

folk musicmusic originating from a specific region

مُوسِيقَى كْلَاسِيكِيَّة f

classical musicmusic of the classical period

classical musicthe more serious forms of European and American music


musicalof or relating to music

مُوسِيقِيّ m

musicianperson who performs or writes music

مُوسْكُو f

Moscowcapital city of Russia

Moscowcapital city of Russia

Moscowcapital city of Russia


MuscoviteRelating to Moscow

آلَة مُوسِيقِيَّة f

musical instrumenta device, object, contrivance or machine used to produce musical notes or sounds

بَطُلِيمُوس m

Ptolemyname of Greek origin

تَدْوِين مُوسِيقِيّ

musical notationwriting system

ثِيرْمُوسْفِير m

thermospherelayer of the Earth's atmosphere

جَامُوس m


جَامُوسَة f


جَبَل مُوسَىٰ


جَنَاح جَامُوس

buffalo wingcooked chicken wing in spicy sauce

جْيَامُوسِي m

Jiamusia city of China

حَفْلَة مُوسِيقِيَّة f

concerta musical entertainment in which several voices or instruments take part

proma formal ball


Remusthe founder of Rome

سَمَك مُوسَى m


سُلَّمٌ مُوسِيقِيّ m

scaleseries of notes

سُلَّمُ المُوسِيقَيّ

gamutall the notes in the musical scale


História vyhľadávania