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مَسِيح znamená v Angličtina

مَسِيح m

Christmessiah predicted in Jewish prophecy

messiahordained to lead the people of Israel


messianicof, relating to, or resembling a messiah or the Messiah

مَسِيحِيَّة f

Christianmember of the Christian religion

Christianitymonotheistic religion


Christianof, like or relating to Christianity or Christians

مَسِيحِيّ m

Christianmember of the Christian religion

الْمَسِيح m

Christtitle for Jesus of Nazareth

Messiah''(Christianity)'' Jesus|Savior

الْمَسِيح عِيسَى m

Jesus ChristJesus of Nazareth

ضِدّ الْمَسِيح m

antichristsomeone that works against the teachings of Christ

يَسُوع الْمَسِيح m

Jesus ChristJesus of Nazareth