Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

مَاس znamená v Angličtina

مَاس m


diamonduncountable: mineral

مَاسَة f


مَاسَتْشُوسِتْس m

Massachusettsa state of the United States of America

مَاسُورَة f

barrelmetallic tube of a gun

piperigid tube

tubea pipe

مَاسُوشِيَّة f

masochismthe enjoyment of receiving pain or humiliation

مَاسُوشِيّ m

masochistsomeone who [[enjoy|enjoys]] pain or humiliation

مَاسُونِيَّة f

freemasonryfellowship and sympathy

مَاسُونِيّ m

Freemasonmember of the Free and Accepted Masons

مَاسِح m

scannerdevice which scans documents

مَاسِح ضَوئِيّ m

scannerdevice which scans documents

مَاسِيرُو f

Maserucapital of Lesotho

مَاسْت m

yogurta milk-based product thickened by a bacterium-aided curdling process

مَاسْتَرْكَارْد m

Mastercardcredit card

مَاسْتْرِخْت m

Maastrichtcapital city of the Dutch province of Limburg

مَاسْتْرِيخْت m

Maastrichtcapital city of the Dutch province of Limburg

أَلْمَاس m


diamonduncountable: mineral

أَلْمَاسَة f


اِلْتِمَاس m

appealapplication to a superior court or judge for a decision or order by an inferior court of judge to be reviewed and overturned





تِيكَّا مَاسَالَا f

tikka masalaIndian marinade served in a masala sauce

جَزِيرَة الكْرِيسْمَاس f

Christmas Islandnon self-governing territory of Australia

حَرَكَة حَمَاس f

HamasPalestinian militant group

حَمَاس m

enthusiasmfeeling of excited, lively interest

HamasPalestinian militant group

zealfervour or devotion


zealousfull of zeal; ardent


fivefoldin a group or series of five; consisting of five together as one; quintuple|quintuple

دُمُوع اَلتَّمَاسِيح m-p

crocodile teardisplay of tears that is forced or false

دِبْلُومَاسِيَّة f

diplomacyart of conducting international relations

diplomatperson who is accredited to represent a government

دِبْلُومَاسِيّ m

diplomatperson who is accredited to represent a government

diplomaticconcerning relationships between governments

رَمْيَةُ تَمَاسّ f

throw-inthrow of the ball back into play

كَامَاسُوتْرَا f

Kama SutraSanskrit treatise


História vyhľadávania