Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

مَادَّة znamená v Angličtina

مَادَّة f

disciplinespecific branch or knowledge or learning

entryarticle in a dictionary or encyclopedia


matterbasic structural component of the universe

matterkind of substance

matternon-antimatter matter

subjectparticular area of study

substancephysical matter; material|matter

مَادَّة تَبْيِيض


مَادَّة سَوْدَاء f

substantia nigrabrain structure

مَادَّة مَظْلِمَة f

dark matterparticles of matter that cannot be detected by their radiation

مَادَّة مُتَفَجِّرَة f

explosiveexplosive substance

مَادَّة مُضَادَّة f

antimattermatter composed of antiparticles