Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

ما بعد الحرب znamená v Angličtina


afterbehind; later in time; following

ما نكح

what the fuckexpressing astonishment

ضباب الحرب

fog of war

طورا بعد طور

time after timeagain and again

الحرب العالمية الرابعة f

World War IVhypothetical world war (World War IV)

التمريض عن بعد

telenursinguse of telecommunication technology to provide nursing services

تعيين شخص لعمل ما

assignto designate or set apart something for some purpose

القدرة على التعافي بعد الصدمة

resilienceability of a system or company to recover

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