Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

لَو znamená v Angličtina

لَوْلَب m

screwsimple machine


لَوْم m

blamestate of having caused a bad event

لَوْن m

colorparticular set of the visible spectrum

colorspectral composition of visible light


chromaticsthe science of colours


chromaticityspecification of the quality of a colour, regardless of its luminance

أَوْلَوِيَّة f

prioritygoal of a person or an organisation

priorityitem's relative importance

اِنْحِلَال خَلَوِيّ m

cytolysisthe pathological breakdown of a cell due to the bursting of the cell membrane caused by osmosis

بَهْلَوَان m

acrobatathlete who performs acts requiring skill, agility and coordination

بِهْلَوَانِيَّات f

acrobaticsart of performing acrobatic feats

تَلَوُّث m

pollutionthe contamination of the environment by harmful substances

تَلَوُّث الْهَوَاء m

air pollutioncontamination of the atmosphere by noxious gases and particulates

تَلَوُّث اَلْمَاء m

water pollutioncontamination of water

تَلَوُّث ضَوْضَائِيّ m

noise pollutionexcessive noise

حَاسُوب لَوْحِيّ m

tablet computera type of computer


cellinformal: a cellular telephone|mobile phone

cellularof, relating to, consisting of, or resembling a cell or cells

ضِلْع مَوْلَوِي بَازَار

Maulvibazar DistrictMaulvibazar District

عَلَوِيّ m


فِيمَا لَوْ

in case ofin the event of

قَلَوِيّ m

alkaliclass of caustic bases

كَمَا لَو

as thoughas to suggest that

كْمَا لَو كَان

likecolloquial: mild intensifier

مَعْجُون لَوْز m

almond pastepaste made from ground almonds and sugar in equal quantities


coloredhaving a color

هَاتِف خَلَوِيّ m

mobile phoneportable telephone

هَيْكَل خَلَوِيّ m



althoughin spite of the fact that