Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

لَامَ znamená v Angličtina


blameplace blame upon

لَامَا f

llamaSouth American mammal of the camel family, ''Lama glama''

لَامَا m

lamamaster of Tibetan Buddhism

لَامَارْسِيِيز m

Marseillaisethe French national anthem

لَا مَحَالَةَ

no doubtwithout a doubt


reproachto criticize or rebuke someone

بَلَامَة f

weeverfish of ''Trachinidae''

دَالَاي لَامَا m

Dalai Lamathe supreme head of Tibetan Buddhism

سَلَامَة f

healthstate of being free of physical or psychological disease, illness, or malfunction

integrityquality or condition of being complete; pure

integritystate of being wholesome; unimpaired

safetycondition or feeling of being safe

securitycondition of not being threatened

سُلَامَى m

phalanxfinger or toe bone

عَلَامَات اِقْتِبَاس f-p

quotation marksNote: ''These languages use “◌”-style marks or other styles as indicated.'' Some are singular and some plural.

عَلَامَة f

brandname, symbol, logo

signa fact that shows that something exists or may happen

symbolcharacter or glyph

symptomsomething that indicates a disease or disorder

عَلَامَة اَلْمَدّ f

macronshort, straight, horizontal diacritical mark

عَلَامَة اِسْتِفْهَام f

question markpunctuation mark

عَلَامَة اِقْتِبَاس f

quotea quotation mark

عَلَامَة تَرْقِيم f

punctuationset of symbols

punctuation marksymbol used in writing

عَلَامَة تَنْصِيص f

quotea quotation mark

عَلَامَة تِجَارِيَّة f

trademarkidentification of a company's product

عَلَامَة زَائِد f

plus signmathematical symbol

عَلَامَة طَرِيق m

traffic signsign for traffic control or driver information|road sign

عَلَامَة فَصْلِيَّة f

full stopThe punctuation mark “.”

periodpunctation mark “.”

عَلَامَة نَبْر f

accentorthography: mark to indicate accent

عَلَامَةُ جَمْع f

plus signmathematical symbol

عَلَامَةْ تَعَجُّب f

exclamation markpunctuation “!”

عَلَامَةْ هُتَاف f

exclamation markpunctuation “!”

قُلَامَة f

clippingpiece of something removed by clipping



مَعَ السَّلَامَة

byeshort for goodbye|goodbye


مَلَامَة f

blamestate of having caused a bad event

مُلَامَسَة f

contactan act of touching physically