Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

لَا znamená v Angličtina


notAnd not

notnegates meaning of verb

لَا X وَلَا X

neithernot either (used with nor): neither X nor Y

لَا اغتفر يُغْتَفَرُ

unforgivablenot forgivable

لَا اَسْتَطِيع اَلاِنْتِظَار

can't waitto eagerly anticipate|look forward to

لَا بَأْس

no problemit does not pose a problem

لَا بُدَّ

mustbe required to

لَا تَبْكِ عَلَى اَلْحَلِيب اَلْمَسْكُوب

cry over spilt milkto worry about unfortunate events which have already happened

لَا تَهْتَم

take it easyrelax (imperative)

لَا تُؤَاخِذْنِي

pardon my Frenchto excuse the speaker’s frankness of expression or profanity

لَا تُوجَد مُشْكِلَة

no problemit does not pose a problem

لَا جَرَمَ

no doubtwithout a doubt

لَا دَاعِي لِلْقَلَق

no problemit does not pose a problem

لَا رَجَاء مِن شِفَائِه

incurableunable to be cured

لَا سَمَحَ اللّٰه

God forbidDon't let it be

لَا سُلْطَة f

anarchyabsence of any form of political authority or government

لَا سْبِيتْسِيَا f

La Speziacity in Liguria, Italy

لَا شَكَّ

no doubtwithout a doubt

لَا شَيْء

nonenot any thing

nothingnot any thing

لَا شُكْرَ عَلَى وَاجِب

my pleasurea polite reaction to receiving thanks

لَا فَقَارِيّ

invertebrateanimal without backbone

لَا فُضَّ فُوكَ

well saidexpression of approval to something said

لَا فِكْرَة

no ideaI don't know

لَا قَتْل

nonkillingA precept or worldview

لَا قَدَّرَ اللّٰه

God forbidDon't let it be

لَا قِيمَةَ لَهُ

worthlessnot having worth and use; without value|inconsequential

لَا كُورُونِيَا f

A Coruñacity in Galicia

لَا مَحَالَةَ

no doubtwithout a doubt

لَا مُتَزَامِن m

asynchronousnot synchronous

لَا مُتَزَامِنَة f

asynchronousnot synchronous

لَا مُشْكِلَة

no problemit does not pose a problem

لَا ينطبق

n/anot applicable

لَا يَتْعَبُ

indefatigableextremely persistent and untiring

لَا يَزَال

stillup to a time, as in the preceding time

لَا يَقْبَل اَلْجَدَل

incontrovertiblyin incontrovertible manner

لَا يُحْتَاجُ إِثْبَاتَة إِلَى تَجْرِبَة

a priorilogic: based on hypothesis rather than experiment

لَا يُدْحَضُ


لَا يُقَاسُ

immeasurableimpossible to measure

لَا يُنْسَى

unforgettablevery difficult or impossible to forget