Arabčina-Angličtina slovník »

قَوْم znamená v Angličtina

قَوْم m

nationcommunity of people

peoplea group of persons forming or belonging to a particular nation etc.

tribegroup of people

قَوْم لُوط

LGBTlesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/transsexual


nationalistof or relating to nationalism

قَوْمِيَّة f

nationalismidea of supporting one's country and culture

nationalistadvocate of nationalism

قَوْمِيَّة تُرْكِيَّة f

Pan-Turkismpolitical movement

قَوْمِيَّة سِلَافِيَّة f


قَوْمِيَّة هان اَلْهَان

HanChinese ethnicity


nationalistof or relating to nationalism

قَوْمِيّ m

nationalpertaining to a nation or country

nationalistadvocate of nationalism

أَقَلِّيَّة قَوْمِيَّة

ethnic minoritypeople with different characteristics to those of the majority

حِزْب الْعُمَّال الْقَوْمِيّ الاِشْتِرَاكِيّ الْأَلْمَانِيّ

National Socialist German Workers' PartyFormer German Far-Right political party

دَوْلَة بُولِيڤْيَا مُتَعَدِّدَة الْقَوْمِيَّات

Plurinational State of Boliviaid=Q881|official name of Bolivia

دَوْلَة قَوْمِيَّة f


لُغَة قَوْمِيَّة f

mother tongueone's native tongue